Butter Prawns | Udang Mentega [Nyonya Cooking]

Full recipe: https://www.nyonyacooking.com/recipes/butter-prawns
Butter prawns are crispy and fragrant. The toasted grated coconut adds a slight crunch to it! A simple asian prawn recipe you must try! Enjoy the mild sweetness of desiccated coconut and it's nutty flavours when added to the dish. Best to eat every bit with steamed white rice.

The divine taste of the butter prawns is not easily forgettable once you have tried it. The sweetness of the prawns blending with the slight tinge of saltiness from the soy sauce and the spiciness of the chillies makes this dish ever so appetizing.

If you are a seafood lover like me, you will definitely love this dish. Every ingredient blends together harmoniously. The toasted desiccated coconut certainly enhances the taste besides adding a fantastic aroma to the dish. Ensure the freshness of the prawns when preparing this dish.

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